Governing Documents and Homeowners Association

HOA Assessments are evaluated annually in the fall as part of the budget process. Assessments typically increase 2-3% a year and are payable monthly, quarterly, or annually.

What Our HOA Fees Cover

• 2,200 sq. foot Common House with washer/dryer, library, fully appointed kitchen, board game assortment, ping pong table, and more

• Trash Collection

• Barn with landscaping tools to share, mowing equipment, and woodworking shop

• Utilities for all common areas

• Snowplowing of our road in the winter

• Maintenance of Sunset Park

• Funding our Reserve Fund for future infrastructure repair and replacement

Governing Process

• The Association

The Homeowners Association holds monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM. The meetings are hybrid — some owners gather in person in the Common House, and some choose to link to the meeting on Zoom.

The monthly meetings are facilitated by members of the Facilitation Committee.

For items that require discussion that may lead to a vote, there is a process that allows for community input through scheduled discussion sessions before a final proposal and vote are brought to a monthly meeting.

• Board of Directors

Valverde Commons is a self-governed community with a 5 member Board of Directors who serve staggered 3-year terms. New Directors are elected at the Annual Meeting of Owners each December. Generally, the Board of Directors is responsible for the financial, compliance, and general management of the community in accordance with Association documents, and State and Federal laws.

• Committees

Each committee has its own budget, voted on annually by the Homeowners Association. Committee volunteers make Valverde Commons function smoothly and efficiently. We appreciate all the work our committees do!

Our Committees:

• Barn Committee - Monitors tools, equipment, and maintains the woodshed

• Common House Committee - Keeps everything organized and functioning in the Common House

• Property Management Committee - Deals with Road and property maintenance

• Landscaping Committee - Maintains all commonly landscaped areas. Coordinates monthly community workdays during warm months.

• Facilitation Committee - Facilitates monthly Homeowners meeting

• Design Review Committee - Reviews building plans for new and added construction. Reviews compliance issues regarding construction.