A Senior (55+) Cohousing Community
Valverde Commons was designed and developed in the spirit of co-housing to foster cooperative living and neighborliness for individuals over age 55. Private homes connected by paths, are arranged in a circle around an inner shared property. The first home was completed in 2010. Owners are full-time residents who share in the governance and obligations of community living on a volunteer basis.
Participation in all activities and meetings is optional. Potlucks are shared in the Common House monthly.
Currently, Valverde Commons has twenty-six private homes, a well-appointed 2,200-square-foot community house, and a barn, home to a professional quality woodworking shop. We are located in the town of Taos, within walking distance of the public library, grocery stores, and restaurants.
What is Cohousing?
Cohousing is defined as an intentional community where residents actively participate in the design and governance of their own neighborhood. Residents have their private homes with shared common spaces, and make a commitment to look out for their neighbors’ well-being. Every cohousing community is different as each strikes its own balance between individual space and social contact. Contact the National Cohousing Association and the Foundation for Intentional Communities for more information.
The Valverde Commons Association is a cohousing community that emphasizes sustainable environmental living for adults 55 and older.
Community members will balance the privacy of independent living with community-building social activities, while following sustainable environmental practices, preparing for the realities of aging, planning for responsible fiscal practices, and maintaining sound management of community resources.
Our Flavor of Cohousing
The Valverde Commons Homeowners Association (VCHOA) utilizes majority rule in decision-making and empowers committees to make decisions. All Valverde Commons Association members are welcome to be on any committee such as landscaping, barn or common house care, and property management. A five-member Board of Directors consisting of residents elected for alternating three-year terms is responsible for fiscal and general management. Members participate in monthly business meetings for discussion and community information and, when needed, vote on important issues.
Residents design and build their own homes following HOA Covenant guidelines of aesthetics, sustainability, and stylistic elements that are harmonious with the northern New Mexico environment. Homeowners are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their private property. Nearly four acres of open space and two buildings, a 2,200-square-foot common house and 1,000-square-foot barn are shared in common. These buildings and the open space are maintained by all homeowners through their HOA fees and monthly work days.
Commoners commit to being respectful and generous neighbors and are comfortable with letting relationships build organically.